Our Business

Business Areas

Expert know-how from and for Austria

We use state-of-the-art technologies, such as predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, chatbots or blockchain, and innovative methods to develop new products and services. This is also reflected in our portfolio and our eight areas of activity.

laptop with open display
Icon zum Geschäftsfeld Trusted Data Center, zeigt einen Server

Trusted Data Center

Our long-standing experience as professional data center operators is at the disposal of all our clients: server & client solutions, storage & back-up solutions, facility and security services, service desk services, DBMS service/middleware. Our broad range of individually adaptable products allows for highly efficient tailor-made solutions.

more Trusted Data Center

Icon zum Geschäftsfeld Software Dveelopment & Integration, zeigt einen Kreisprozess

Software Development & Integration

Our know-how is unique in Austria, and we use it to digitize administrative procedures. Together with our clients we define the specifications using innovative methods such as design thinking.

more Software Development & Integration

Icon zum Geschäftsfeld Know How, Process & Project Management, zeigt einen Kalender

Know-How, Process & Project Management

Our services are based on our long-standing and comprehensive expertise in the public service sector and in the professional implementation of projects. We implement e-learning solutions for our clients, enabling them to pass on knowledge within their organizations rapidly and efficiently. Knowledge management solutions allow our clients to share knowledge with others.

more Know-How, Process & Project Management

Icon zum Geschäftsfeld Security & Data Protection, zeigt ein Schloss

Security & Data Protection

Innovative security solutions - our motto reflects our commitment to finding solutions for our clients' most important security challenges at all levels. The BRZ Portal Austria offers our clients a central access point to integrated applications.

more Security & Data Protection

Icon zum Geschäftsfeld Cloud Solution & Shared Services, ein Pfeil in einer Wolke

Cloud Solutions & Shared Services

With our cloud infrastructure we offer applications such as Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS), including professional administration services as well as orchestration and management support. We organize the transfer of our clients’ data into the cloud, allowing our clients to benefit from the cloud’s advantages of efficiency and flexibility – without having to move their data out of Austria.

more Cloud Solutions & Shared Services

About the call for digital sovereignty

EURITAS calls for Europe-wide harmonization of the criteria for the evaluation of AI applications.

more About the call for digital sovereignty

Icon zum Geschäftsfeld Analytics & Big Data, zeigt ein Tortendiagramm

Analytics & Big Data

Analyzing data bases is very time-consuming. Modern technologies, such as big data, make it easier to extract meaningful information from the huge amounts of complex data available. Predictive analytics are able to recognize patterns, structures, and interrelations which can be derived from data, allowing for the development of predictive models and other applications. This helps us to create a new basis for decision-making.

more Analytics & Big Data

Icon zum Geschäftsfeld Mobile Solution & Technologies, zeigt einen Monitor, ein Tablet und ein Mobiltelefon

Mobile Solutions & Technologies

The BRZ App Competence Center is where we pool our know-how to meet our clients' requirements for apps that make administrative procedures simpler and more mobile-friendly. As a one-stop shop we offer requirements engineering, implementation, and operation services as part of our Mobile Device Security concepts.

more Mobile Solutions & Technologies

Icon zum Geschäftsfeld Innovation Technologies, zeigt eine leuchtende Glühbirne

Innovative Technologies

Virtual assistants provide information in an even more targeted and user-friendly way. Software bots perform simple recurring rule-based tasks (Robotic Press Automation). Data base solutions using blockchain allow for new ways of cooperating and protecting content and processes.

more Innovative Technologies